Upcoming events

Magnify Women's Night
Topic: Who was St. Joseph, really?
Magnify is a monthly meeting for women to gather and join in fellowship as they learn about a vast variety of topics, all pointing them towards greater holiness and deeper relationship with God.
Magnify: Women’s Night will take place on the 3rd Monday of the month from 7pm-8:30pm at St. John’s, Clonmel in the Parish Hall.
This is an open event and no registration is necessary

Unbound: Freedom in Christ Retreat
As children of God, we were created to live in relationship with Him. Sin broke this relationship & opened the door for lies & bondage to enter our life, causing problems like fear, anxiety, hopelessness, & shame. The good news is that Jesus brought salvation by dying for our sins & breaking our bondage. But even after accepting this gift, we fail to experience true freedom. We continue to feel anxious, hopeless, & afraid.
Unbound helps us respond to the good news & apply truth to our lives using 5 simple keys:
Repentance & Faith
The Father’s Blessing
Join us for a single day retreat discovering the areas of your life that are keeping you in bondage, how to be set free from those bondages, and how to see God in a clear, new light.
Please register by calling the St. John’s, Clonmel Parish Office at 620-545-7171.

Magnify Women's Night
Topic: TBD
Magnify is a monthly meeting for women to gather and join in fellowship as they learn about a vast variety of topics, all pointing them towards greater holiness and deeper relationship with God.
Magnify: Women’s Night will take place on the 3rd Monday of the month from 7pm-8:30pm at St. John’s, Clonmel in the Parish Hall.
This is an open event and no registration is necessary

Magnify Women's Night
Topic: TBD
Magnify is a monthly meeting for women to gather and join in fellowship as they learn about a vast variety of topics, all pointing them towards greater holiness and deeper relationship with God.
Magnify: Women’s Night will take place on the 3rd Monday of the month from 7pm-8:30pm at St. John’s, Clonmel in the Parish Hall.
This is an open event and no registration is necessary

Magnify Women's Night
Topic: TBD
Magnify is a monthly meeting for women to gather and join in fellowship as they learn about a vast variety of topics, all pointing them towards greater holiness and deeper relationship with God.
Magnify: Women’s Night will take place on the 3rd Monday of the month from 7pm-8:30pm at St. John’s, Clonmel in the Parish Hall.
This is an open event and no registration is necessary

Magnify Women's Night
Topic: St. Michael and the Angels
Magnify is a monthly meeting for women to gather and join in fellowship as they learn about a vast variety of topics, all pointing them towards greater holiness and deeper relationship with God.
Magnify: Women’s Night will take place on the 3rd Monday of the month from 7pm-8:30pm at St. John’s, Clonmel in the Parish Hall.
This is an open event and no registration is necessary

Magnify Women's Night
Topic: The Intense Love of Your Heavenly Father
Magnify is a monthly meeting for women to gather and join in fellowship as they learn about a vast variety of topics, all pointing them towards greater holiness and deeper relationship with God.
Magnify: Women’s Night will take place on the 3rd Monday of the month from 7pm-8:30pm at St. John’s, Clonmel in the Parish Hall.
This is an open event and no registration is necessary

Magnify: Women’s Night
November's Topic: Beautifully Broken: Lessons Learned from the Grandmothers of Jeus’ Family Line

Renew & Restore Inner Healing Retreat
This is a private retreat. Please keep all retreatants and our team in your prayers! If you would like to schedule a Renew & Restore Inner Healing Retreat for your church, ministry, or group, please use the “Contact” page to send us a message. We would be happy to answer any questions you have as well!

Magnify: Women’s Night
September's Topic: Learning How to Accept Authentic Friendship through the Example of the Visitation.